Dark souls world map 3d

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Although Elden Ring boasts an ambitiously large world for a FromSoftware game, its emphasis on player agency is not all that different from Dark Souls. Even without the repeated assurances that it will be larger than any previous Souls game, just the existence of ridable horses means the map will have to be much more open than that of Dark Souls. This is, however, not an entirely new concept to the developer's games, since the first Dark Souls has many available routes for the player to take.Įlden Ring's open world has been a major focal point for the game's limited promotion thus far. This was a pleasant surprise, since some of FromSoftware's recent action-RPGs, such as Dark Souls 3 and Bloodborne, have been fairly linear in design. The fictional world known as The Lands Between is the biggest FromSoftware has ever created, and many were excited to find out that Elden Ring's areas can be explored in any order, though there will still be a recommended route through the game.

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Much ado has been made about Elden Ring's large, open map.