Since vanilla roads are really “road-based” and both left and right forks are 2-lane highways, these forks are exactly identical roads. As shown in the figure below, a 4-lane highway is split into two 2-lane highways. This implies that each road asset you use when building a city represents an entire road.
In the vanilla Cities: Skylines game, the road network in a city is built on a “road-by-road” basis. Key Concepts of CSUR Vanilla game: road-based construction CSUR helps players to more efficiently build realistic road infrastructures and massive road networks. Coming soon! | 《都市:天际线》迄今为止最大道路模组 BETA2版本正在内测 Getting StartedĬSUR (Cities: Skylines Urban Road) is a road building system developed for the game Cities: Skylines. Getting Started | CSUR - Cities Skylines Urban Road CSUR - Cities Skylines Urban Road Largest road mod ever in Cities: Skylines.